This project started in a cute grey house in Houston, Texas on Marshall street in the part of town called Montrose.
The community on Marshall street was a blend gender expressions, from the fabulous drag kings to the androgynous couch-crasher, to the soft-butch art teacher, the princess labrador retriever named Jack, little alpha pup named Noah, and a pair of ferrets.
These individuals first helped educate each other, and then themselves, to learn more of what it means to live and express and perform one's gender role.
The more they learned, the more they wanted to share with everyone else. They saw a need around them in transgender friends who wanted more options on their census forms, and transsexual lovers who had to educate their own therapists, and parents wanting to know how to be supportive of their gender-variant kids.
Their solution: the GENDER book., the website, provides resources for supporting and affirming gender creative kids within their families, schools and communities.
By offering information and opportunities for connection between parents and caregivers, educators, health and social service providers, researchers, activists, and children and youth across Canada, we hope to contribute towards transforming our world into a safe, affirming, and joyful place for all children.
The LGBTQ Parenting Network is a program of Sherbourne Health Centre. We support lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and queer parenting through research, training, resources and community development.
Click here for more information.
Keeping your teen safe online is near the top of the worry list for parents today. Kids do everything online, from learning to socializing, gaming to shopping. For teens, learning how to recognize the risks and protect themselves is a life skill they’ll need for years to come.
We are a diverse group of transgender people, family members, friends and allies in the Kingston Ontario area. We gather at least once a month to share stories and experiences, provide peer support, and assist each other in navigating the various barriers faced by trans people and by their supporters.
Questions about transgender issues, gender identity, and transitioning aren’t just for kids and young adults. Adults have plenty of questions about those issues, and several more besides: how best to help a child who’s questioning their gender, how to help a friend or family member in transition, how to be a good friend or ally, or how to navigate the many complex legal issues that surround being transgender. The answers to those, and many other, questions can be found in the books below. You can donate to PFLAG National by signing into Amazon Smile——prior to purchasing any of these titles.