About Us

About Welcome Friend Association

Welcome Friend Association educates and promotes awareness in society regarding gender, sexual identities and expressions. We provide outreach and support for people impacted by gender and sexual issues. Welcome Friend Association provides seminars, training and outreach for other organizations and the community at large to broaden the understanding of the Queer community. We have come together to work for a society where everyone regardless of their gender or sexual orientation can find respect, understanding and represent a diverse cross-section of our community.

WFA Rainbow Camp®

We host Rainbow Camp® for youth ages 12 – 17 to help LGBTQ & allied youth. The camp is a week for  support, learning about LGBTQ community and world issues and making new friends. We pair our curriculum with traditional camp activities and most of all lots of                                                                                                FUN!

 Events and Fundraisers

In order to keep reaching our goals we rely on the support and donations from our supporters. Through out the year we hold exciting events to help fund our good cause. Check out our events page to see what event we are holding next.


One of our goals is to help educate and share our goals for acceptance and equality. We hold several seminars that can help you understand the issues LGBQT face and how to support the LGBQT & allied individuals in your life. No question is too silly. We are an OPEN book!

LGBQTA Resources

We are here to support all LGBQT & allied members. Feel free to contact us and check out the resources of other organization for support and information. Check out our resource page or shoot us an email.